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What is Brestrogen

Brestrogen is a natural breast cream designed for women who want to change the look and feel of their breasts, every year thousands of women have some sort of breast surgery, most wanting larger breasts but other women have breast lift surgery in mind, to reduce sagging and make their breasts look perkier. The issue with breast surgery is that it can have secondary side effects such as leaking implants. In the case of breast lift surgery there can be some significant scarring that will last a lifetime.

Most women when they are younger generally have almost perfect breasts, some larger or some smaller, but because when you women are young their breasts tend to stay firm and full, but rapid weight loss or weight gain as well as pregnancy can cause the breasts to sag and lose their fullness,  as women age, skin tends to lose elasticity, which is another reason breasts tend to sag and lose their shape.

Who can use Brestrogen

Brestrogen is made to enhance your breasts, but it can also be used to increase the size of your breasts up to two cup sizes larger, but if you are woman who is just looking for firmer and more lifted breasts Brestrogen is a great option, it can help improve the over all look of your breasts making them more beautiful without the risk of surgery.

Above is an actual photo I took of the product


How Brestrogen works

Brestrogen is considered a breast serum that is packed full of all the right herbs to help a woman's breast grow, one of the main ingredients in Brestrogen is Pueraria Mirifica. This herb promotes Phytoestrogens which mimic actual estrogen production in women, using Brestrogen cream does a couple of things, one of them is promoting blood circulation in the breast which stimulates tissue growth,  the other thing it does is slightly increase the underlying milk ducts in the breast which make your breasts look firmer and fuller.


How long before you see results

This is one of the most frequent questions asked about this breast cream and realistically women can expect to see results in as little as 3 weeks, after the first week women will begin to feel some tightening in the breast, after about 5 weeks is when you will begin to see real results. Most women will see an increase of one cup size larger in about 7 weeks and 2 cup sizes larger in less than 6 months.


How long will the results last

After you discontinue the use of Brestrogen you should maintain about 90% of your gains, but to maintain the size for an extended period of time you can always apply a maintenance does twice a week to keep your gains and fullness.


How to use Brestrogen

Brestrogen is very easy to use product, it comes in a 50ml airless bottle all you have to do is apply two to three drops of the cream on to each breast and massage it in twice a day,  generally morning and evening after shower or bath



What if Brestrogen does not work for me

Brestrogen has been selling their product for several years and they have a return rate of less than 1% which is impressive, besides that Brestrogen offers a 45 day return policy with a money guarantee which in itself says a lot about the product.

Buy Brestrogen Online

Where can i Buy Brestrogen

Unfortunately Brestrogen is only sold online which is a good thing, this way they can ensure the quality of their product making sure that the product is recent. Unlike other products that set on retail stores for long periods of time only to go bad or to exceed their expiration date.

How much does Brestrogen cost

Brestrogen is very affordable a box of Brestrogen cost around 125.00 which is much cheaper and safer than breast surgery however if you buy 3 boxes of Brestrogen you get a 4th box for free working out to around 80.00 per box, you can make it cheaper by buying the 4 boxes and splitting the cost with a friend.

Where does Brestrogen ship to

The only place we are aware that Brestrogen does not ship to is Italy aparently there have been some issues with customes there but other than that Brestrogen ships everywhere else in the world with no issues.

Brestrogen Buy 4 boxes for the price of 3